Evil Stepmom Threw Out a Photo of My Late Mother, Father Said Nothing Story of the Day

When my dad started to date Stella, I thought it was a good idea for him to meet someone new and get over my late mother. Until she started to show some toxic behaviors...

My mom and dad loved each other very much. So, when mom got pregnant with me, they couldn’t wait to welcome me to the world. Dad later told me that during pregnancy, he used to tell my mom that I’d be as beautiful as her.

Someone tried to separate my dad and I and threw my mother's picture away. | Source: Pexel

Dad told me so many things about her. Unfortunately, I don’t have many memories of my mom because she passed away when I was still a baby.

Before my 2nd birthday, she was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer and the doctors gave her only a few months to live. Her death was so sudden that my dad was devastated.

I kept some pictures of my late mother in my nightstand. | Source: Unsplash

He went on a heavy depression while managing a full-time job and raising me. When I was old enough, he told me I was the only thing that gave him the strength to keep going with his life.

Even though I never met my mother, I always felt a deep connection with her. Eventually, my dad moved on but he could never heal completely.

My father was lonely for a long time since my mother has passed. | Source: Pexel

After years of being a lonely man, my dad started to date again. He met this woman at work and he said he was ready to give love another chance.

I met the woman briefly, just a few times. Few months after they started dating, my dad broke the news: “Stella and I are going to get married! I proposed to her last night and she said ‘yes’!”

My dad proposed to Stella and only told me afterwards. | Source: Unsplash

“Well, that’s great! If that’s what makes you happy, I’m happy too!”

I said that, but I didn’t know if this was the right decision. He didn’t know Stell very well and that decision was a bit too early for me. I was just hoping to be wrong. But after they got married and Stella moved into our place, the trouble started.

Stella started to treat my dad as if he was some kind of maid, asking him to take care of her clothes, and soon, she was controlling his money too.

Stella was demeaning and rude and I didn't like her. | Source: Pexel

“Robert, where’s the rest of the money? Remember I told you I need new boots?” I heard her telling my dad and he gave her the cash. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I was so angry with her and mad at my dad for allowing this madness to happen.

But things only got worse. One day, I was trying out some outfits for a birthday party I had that day and she entered my room and started to say terrible things about my look. “Are you really going out in these rags, Alex?” she said.

I didn’t say a word. I put up with it only for my father’s sake.

I was trying my new dress when Stella entered my room. | Source: Pexel

But the moment she threw away my mom’s picture, that was the last straw for me. “Put it back! You can’t do this!” I yelled at her.

“Nobody needs your mother. And nobody needs you!”

I couldn’t keep up with this attitude and rudeness. But not with my dad’s indifference. When she said those last words, I looked at my dad and asked, “Aren’t you gonna say anything?! That’s it, I’ve had enough!”

Stella threw my mother's picture away and I got mad. | Source: Pexel

Due to his indifference, I needed to leave. That same day I packed my belongings and left the house that used to be my home. I started a new life and rarely thought about the past. Until one day, my dad showed up at my doorstep in a condition that I couldn’t believe.

He was dirty and tired and looked like a homeless person. “Dad?! Is that you? What happened?! Oh my God!”

“I’ll tell you everything,” he said, in tears. “After you left, things between me and Stella got worse. I knew her behavior wasn’t right but I tried to keep up with it because I was happy to be with someone again.”

When my father came to my house. He was a mess. | Source: Pexel

He took a deep breath and continued, “But her abuse was getting worst until I couldn’t take it anymore. We had a terrible fight and she kicked me out of the house. She locked me outside and told me to never come back. I wandered on the streets for days and I followed you after work, that’s how I found your address.”

“It took me a few days until I mustered the courage to knock on your door. I’m sorry, sweetie! Will you forgive me?”

“Of course, dad! It’s gonna be okay! I missed you so much!”

He was all alone before he found the courage to come to my house. | Source: Pexel

“Me too, Alex, I love you so much!”

“I love you too!”

My dad stayed at my place and after drawn-out litigation, we managed to get our house back and kick Stella out. Life finally went back to normal. I recovered my mom’s picture that Stella threw away and I put it in a beautiful frame in our house.

I was sad because I still missed my mom but happy at the same time to have my dad back.

I was happy to be in our house again. | Source: Pexel

What can we learn from this story?

  • We should always appreciate our family. Stella was abusive to Alex’s father who only realized that later on. He knew his daughter was more important to him.
  • Forgiveness can set one free. Alex knew her father so she forgave him and helped him to get their house back.
  • Share this story with your friends. It might brighten their day and inspire good deeds.

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    This account is inspired by our reader's story but written by a professional writer. All names have been changed to protect identities and ensure privacy. Share your story with us; maybe it will change someone's life. If you would like to share your story, please send it to info@amomama.com.
