Bill Walton Biography, Age, Married, UCLA, Clippers, Trail Blazers, Net worth

Bill Walton (born as William Theodore Walton III) is American associate degree retired basketeer and tv sports commentator. Walton vies for John wood and therefore the UCLA Bruins within the early Seventies, winning 3 ordered faculty Player of the Year Awards.

He junction rectifier the UCLA Bruins to 2 NCAA Championships in 1972 and 1973. He had an outstanding career within the National Basketball Association (NBA), winning associate degree NBA most dear Player (MVP) and 2NBA championships.

His skilled career was considerably hampered by multiple foot injuries, requiring varied surgeries. Walton was inducted into the pedagogue Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame in 1993.

Bill Walton Age

William Theodore Walton III is an American retired basketball player and television sportscaster. Walton played for John Wooden and the UCLA Bruins in the early 1970s, winning three successive College Player of the Year Awards.

He led the UCLA Bruins to two NCAA Championships in 1972 and 1973. He was born 5 November 1952, in La Mesa, California, United States. He is also 66 years old as of 2018.

Bill Walton Early Life

Walton was born and raised in La Mesa, California, the son of Gloria Anne (née Hickey) and William Theodore “Ted” Walton. He was raised with siblings Bruce, Cathy, and Andy.

The Walton’s La Mesa home was a side home on Colorado Avenue, just under Lake Murray. His listed adult taking part in height was half-dozen feet eleven inches; it’s been according to that Walton is really taller (7 feet two inches, or more) however doesn’t like being categorized as a seven-footer.

Walton’s father plug-ugly was a teacher and caseworker and his mother Gloria, a bibliothec. His folks had interests in art, literature, politics, and music.

Walton took music lessons, and though his folks weren’t sports homeward-bound, Walton followed within the footsteps of his older brother Bruce, World Health Organization had gravitated toward sports. once the Walton youngsters were in middle school and high school, Mr.

Walton shaped a casual family band: Bruce and Bill contend brass or baritone, Andy contend the sax and Cathy played the flute. “Bill and that I couldn’t quite quick enough,” Bruce aforesaid.

Walton 1st contend organized basketball below Frank “Rocky” Graciano, World Health Organization coached at Walton’s Catholic school. Coach Graciano “made it [basketball] fun and extremely emphasized the thrill of taking part in the team game,” aforesaid Walton.

“I was a thin, scrawny guy. I stuttered horrendously, couldn’t speak in the slightest degree. I used to be an awfully back, reserved player and an awfully back, reserved person. I found a secure place in life in basketball.”

Bill Walton Personal Life

Walton resides in his town of San Diego together with his partner Lori (m. 1991). He and his initial partner, Susie, had four sons: Adam, Nathan, Luke, and Chris.

Luke Walton contends at Arizona for Coach Lute Olson. In the NBA, he contends for the l. a. Lakers (2003–2012), winning each the 2009 and 2010 NBA Finals. Luke’s titles create Bill and Luke the primary NBA father-son try to possess each won multiple NBA championships.

Luke was the head coach of the Lakers (2016-2019) when 2 years as AN assistant for Calif. Warriors. In Apr 2019, Luke Walton was named head coach of the Sacramento Kings.

Luke Walton is called when Bill Walton’s mate and friend the late Maurice film producer. “Maurice was thus necessary for my life and in very little Luke’s life,” Walton aforementioned. “Whenever there was an enormous moment for tiny Luke, huge Luke would show up unpredicted to create positive it all clothed right.”

Chris Walton contends for San Diego State. he’s a true estate government. Nate Walton contends basketball at Princeton. He entered the company world and earned his Master in Business Administration from Stanford University’s School of Business.

(Bill Walton had attended Stanford grad school for 2 years whereas with the Clippers, however ne’er graduated.) Nate was on the ballot for the 2003 Golden State Recall election, receiving one,697 votes. He has been extremely prospering within the refining industry.

Adam Walton contends at Louisiana State University, Pomona school and therefore the school of Notre Dame in Belmont, California. He presently could be a school assistant coach at San Diego Mesa school.

Bill Walton’s different brother, Bruce Walton, content within the National league with the metropolis Cowboys from 1973 to 1975.

They were basketball teammates in high school. Bill followed Bruce in attending UCLA. Bruce contends in Super Bowl X, creating Bill and Bruce the sole brothers to play within the Super Bowl and NBA Finals.

Walton’s sister Cathy was an impressive youth swimmer and contend some basketball at the University of Golden State.

Walton’s mortise joint issues became thus severe that he had each his ankles surgically coalesced. His adventure story of injury and failing rehabs was connected to the employment of painkillers by the doctor United Nations agency was appointed to his case.

Walton has aforementioned repeatedly in his broadcasts that he’s even as a lot of guilty for taking the medication because the doctor was for giving it to him. in a very Gregorian calendar month eight, 2010, interview on The Dan Saint Patrick Show, Walton admitted to considering suicide for a time because of the constant pain ensuing from injuries sustained throughout his NBA career.

Walton is thought of as an eater and a meditation professional person. Walton maintained an in-depth lifespan friendly relationship with Coach John wood, visiting him usually.

“Coachwood is that the most adult in my life outside of my mater and pa, however, once we contend for him, he was older than our folks and that we thought our folks were the oldest folks on earth,” Walton aforementioned. “So the items he schooled America created no sense to us.

we tend to thought he was whacky, however, once you’re hot and when you’re on high and it’s all happening, you ne’er suppose.

we tend to were thus young and that we had continually won. thus we tend to have no real plan however fragile everything was. Everything that Coachwood told America eventually came true.”

On Walton’s table sits a message to him from Coach Wooden: “To Bill Walton, it’s the items you learn when you recognize it all that count. John Wood.”

In 2009, Walton underwent AN eight-hour spinal-fusion surgery. 2 metallic element rods and 4 four-inch bolts were inserted in his back. He couldn’t walk to the hospital. when the prospering surgery he was hospitalized for every week, and couldn’t move freely for a year.

Walton could be a fan of the Grateful Dead, Allman Brothers Band, Neil Young, Phish, and vocalist. Walton is especially connected to the Grateful Dead, whose concerts he started attending in 1967, whereas he was still in high school.

He attended quite 850 Grateful Dead concerts, as well as traveling with the band to Egypt for its illustrious 1978 performance before the Pyramids (joining the band on drums), and quotes Grateful Dead lyrics in TV and radio interviews.

To fellow Deadheads, Walton is lovingly called “Grateful Red” and therefore the “Big Red Deadhead” and “World’s Tallest Deadhead”.

Within the video for “Touch of Grey”, Grateful Dead percussionist Mickey Hart is sporting a Celtics jacket given to him by Walton. In 2001, Walton was inducted into The Grateful Dead Hall of Honor.

Walton additionally considers himself a lover and friend of the late writer author. In 2015, he created a visit to the author assortment whereas on a stop at the University of Oregon.

Bill Walton’s Personal Life

Bill Walton is married to his second wife Lori Matsuoka. The couple tied the knot in 1991 and have been together for almost three decades. The couple has no children together yet.

Bill and Lori reside in his hometown of San Diego.

Earlier, Bill Walton was married to Susan Guth in 1979. However, the couple divorced after 10 years of marriage in 1989. They have four children together named Adam, Nathan, Luke, and Chris.

His son Luke Walton is also a former basketball player. Luke currently serves as the head coach of the head coach for the Los Angeles Lakers of the National Basketball Association.

Bill Walton UCLA And UCLA Jersey

On the court or on camera, Bill Walton didn’t just achieve excellence. He reinvented it. He did not lose a basketball game for almost five years, from the middle of his junior year of high school to the middle of his senior year in college.

He is one of only four players in the history of basketball to have won multiple NCAA and NBA Championships, including two glorious undefeated seasons and NCAA championships at UCLA.

As a professional, Walton also won National Basketball Association titles with Portland and Boston and was named one of the NBA’s 50 greatest players of all time.

Multiple Emmy Award-winner and named one of the top 50 sports broadcasters of all time. And, delightfully, the inaugural inductee into the Grateful Dead Hall of Honor.

All while battling and beating a stutter, an extraordinary string of injuries–and anything else that got in Bill Walton’s way.

Bill Walton San Diego Clippers And Clippers Jersey

On May 13, 1979, Walton signed as a veteran free agent with the port of entry Clippers; the Portland path Blazers received Kevin Kunnert, Kermit Washington and a 1980 first spherical draft choose (Mike Gminski was later selected) as compensation ordered by the NBA. Walton reportedly united to a seven-year $7-million greenback contract.

Due to injuries, Walton spent longer on the disabled list than on the court along with his town port of entry Clippers.

In his 1st season with the port of entry, Walton contends fourteen games for the Clippers within the 1979–80 season. Walton re-fractured the navicular bone within the fourth 1979 practice game and afterward uncomprehensible all of the 1980-1981 and 1981-1982 seasons, undergoing many surgeries on his battle-scarred foot.

Walton neglected doctors United Nations agency same he would ne’er play once more and underwent surgery to reconstitute his left foot in 1981.

His high arch, that created the foot bones liable to breaking, was lowered to alleviate the strain on the bones.

Following intensive rehabilitation, including biking and sand volleyball, Walton’s foot began to improve; once taking part in solely fourteen games from 1979 to 1982, he contends thirty-three games in 1982–83 underneath doctor’s orders to play concerning one game per week.

He contends in fifty-five games in 1983–84, and a then-career-high sixty-seven in 1984–85, by which period the Clippers had resettled to l. a.

“When you fail in your town, that’s as unhealthy because it gets, and that I love my town,” same Walton of his tenure in the port of entry.”I want we have a tendency to had NBA basketball here, and that we don’t thank Pine Tree State.

It’s my greatest failure as knowledgeable in my entire life, I couldn’t get the task drained my town. it’s a stain and stigma on my soul that’s ineradicable. I’ll ne’er be able to wash that off, and that I carry it with Pine Tree State forever.”

On Clippers owner Donald Sterling, Walton commented, “The checks bounced beyond the basketballs once Donald Sterling took over.

The basketball was awful, and therefore the business aspect was immoral, dishonest, corrupt and amerciable. apart from that, it had been all fine.”

In 169 games with the Clippers, Walton averaged eleven.9 points, 9.0 rebounds, 2.9 assists, and a pair of.3 blocks, shooting fifty-three .2%. The Clippers ne’er finished close to .500 or created the playoffs in his tenure with the franchise.

whereas his feet became a lot of sturdy, the Clippers had won thirty and thirty-one games in his final 2 seasons. At age 32, Walton needed to maneuver to a winning franchise and reached bent groups once the season resulted in 1985.

Bill Walton Boston Celtics

After the 1984–85 campaign, Walton is known as on 2 of the league’s premier groups, the capital of Massachusetts Celtic and also the l. a. Lakers. once many players on the Celtics aforementioned they likable the concept of getting Walton as a mate backing up Henry Martyn Robert Parish and Kevin McHale, Red Auerbach created the deal happen.

One account that significantly illustrates Walton’s call to settle on the Celtics over the Lakers involves Larry Bird, World Health Organization happened to be in Auerbach’s workplace once Walton is known as.

Bird aforementioned that if Walton felt healthy enough to play that it had been ok for him, as hostile Lakers gram Hun West, World Health Organization was hedging his interest in Walton unfinished a doctor’s report.

On September six, 1985, Walton was listed by the l. a. Clippers to the capital of Massachusetts Celtics for Cedric Maxwell and a 1986 first spherical draft decide (Arvydas Sabonis was later selected).

Walton represented doctors gazing his x-rays at the hospital once he arrived in Boston: “And then Red, he bursts in through the double doors…and he’s smoking his roll of tobacco within the hospital, and he walks in and says, ‘Who are you guys and what are you doing with my player?’

And they’re language, ‘Red, come here. check up on this. check up on his feet. check up on his face. we tend to can’t pass this guy.’ And Red says, ‘Shut up. I’m guilty here.’ And Red pushes his approach through all the doctors, comes over.

I’m lying on the table there within the doctors examining space. Red appearance down at Maine. He says, ‘Walton, are you able to play?’ I found at him with the unhappy, soft eyes of a young man World Health Organization simply wished an added probability.

An added probability to be a part of one thing special, to be a part of the team, to be with the fellows an added time. and that I found at him, and I said, ‘Red, I believe I will. I believe I will, Red.’

And Red, through the smoke, with a big, seraphic grin on his face, checked out the doctors, checked out Maine, and the aforementioned, ‘He’s fine. He passes. Let’s go. We’ve got a game.’ and that we were ready to leave and win a championship.

I’m the luckiest guy within the world. many thanks, Red Auerbach. many thanks, Larry Bird. many thanks, capital of Massachusetts Celtics. many thanks, individuals of the latest European country. many thanks, Celtic nation. Wow. What a dream come back true.”

Bill Walton Portland Trail Blazers And Portland Trailblazers jersey

Walton was written by the yank Basketball Association’s urban center Chaparrals within the 1973 ABA draft as an undergraduate in a shot to lure him from UCLA.

Within the room when the 1973 Championship game, Coach picket introduced Walton to representatives of the ABA, World Health Organization hoped to convert him to show professional. “Of that, I had no interest in doing,” Walton same.

In 1974, the ABA’s point of entry Conquistadors tried to influence Walton to sign with them, when drafting him within the1974 ABA draft. point of entry had conjointly signed Wilt Chamberlain as a player-coach as any incentive. Walton wasn’t swayed.

Walton was the amount one overall decide by the NBA’s Portland path Blazers within the 1974 NBA draft. Walton signed with the path Blazers.

Walton’s initial 2 seasons in Portland were marred by chronic foot injuries. additionally, throughout his initial 2 years, Walton badly sprained Associate in Nursing ankle joint, stony-broke his left wrist joint doubly, injured 2 toes, injured 2fingers, stony-broke a toe and confusion his leg during a car accident.

As a tyro in 1974-1975, Walton averaged a double-double twelve.8 points, 12.6 rebounds, 4.8 assists and a couple of.7 blocks in thirty-five games.

The path Blazers with Geoff Petrie, poet Wicks, and LaRue Martin finished 38-44 underneath player/Coach Lenny Wilkins.

In 1975-1976, Walton averaged sixteen.1 points, 13.4 rebounds, 4.3 assists and one.6 blocks in fifty-one games as Portland, with rookies Bob Gross and Lionel Hollins, finished 37-45.

Bill Walton NBA Tittle

In 1976–77 season Walton contends in sixty-five games and, spurred by new head coach Jack Ramsay, Walton and a recently noninheritable ABA man in Maurice filmmaker, the path Blazers became the Cinderella team of the NBA.

During a pre-season meeting together with his new coach, Walton had suggested Ramsay, “Coach, don’t assume we all know something.”

Walton junction rectifier the NBA in each rebound per game (14.4) and blocked shots per game (3.2) as he was elect to the NBA All-Star Game, however, didn’t participate thanks to Associate in Nursing injury.

Walton was named to the NBA’s 1st All-Defensive Team and therefore the All-NBA Second Team for his regular season accomplishments. He averaged eighteen.6 points, 14.4 rebounds, 3.8 assists, and three.2 blocks and Portland finished 49-33.

In the 1977 postseason, Walton junction rectifier #3 seed Portland to series victories over the Chicago Bulls with Artis Gilmore (2-1) and therefore the Mile-High City Nuggets with Dan Issel (4-2).

He averaged seventeen.3 points, 12.3 rebounds, 4.3 assists, and four.3 blocks within the 1st spherical series against the Bulls. within the Nuggets series, Walton averaged seventeen.5 points, 13.0 rebounds, 6.2 assists, and three.0 blocks.

In a 4-0 series sweep of the l. a. Lakers within the 1977 Western Conference finals, Walton averaged nineteen.3 points, 14.8 rebounds, 5.8 assists and a pair of.3 blocks enjoying against fellow UCLA alum Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.

The path Blazers with Walton, Lucas, Hollins, Gross, Johnny Davis, actor Neal et al. matched up within the 1977 NBA Finals against the favored city 76ers with forward, Henry Bibby, Saint George McGinnis, Doug Collins, Steve Mix, World B. Free, Erskine Preston Caldwell Jones, Joe Bryant and Darryl Dawkins.

Once losing the primary 2 games of the series, Portland was impressed by a skirmish late in Game a pair of between filmmaker and Dawkins within which each was ejected.

Portland then sweptwing successive four games to win the NBA Championship. Walton had twenty points and twenty-three rebounds within the clinching Game half-dozen finish.

In the NBA Finals, Walton averaged eighteen.5 points, 19.0 rebounds, 5.2 assists, 1.0 steals and three.7 blocks. Walton was named the 1977 NBA Finals Most worthy Player.

“Bill Walton is that the best player for a giant man United Nations agency ever contends the sport of basketball.” city76ers Coach factor Shue aforementioned once the series.

“We had Maurice filmmaker and no-one else did. we tend to had Jack Ramsey and no-one else did,” Walton aforementioned of the Blazers’ championship. “We had the sports jacket maniacs (fans) and no-one else did.”

Bill Walton Injuries And Departure

The following season, the 1977-1978 path Blazers won fifty of their 1st sixty games, as Walton averaged eighteen.9 points, 13.2 rebounds five.0 assists and a couple of.5 blocks in five8 games. Walton then suffered a broken foot, ending his regular season.

He, however, won the 1978 NBA Most worthy Player award and therefore the Sporting News NBA player, as well.

Walton vies in his solely NBA All-Star Game in 1978 and was named to reach the NBA’s 1st All-Defensive Team and therefore the All-NBA varsity.

Portland finished the regular season 58-24 and Walton came for the 1978 NBA Playoffs. He was disabled and lost for the rest of the playoffs within the second game of the primary spherical series against the Seattle SuperSonics.

once having received a painkilling injection to play, X-rays are taken once Game two disclosed the navicular bone below Walton’s left gliding joint was broken.

Portland lost the series to Seattle in six games. Walton would ne’er play for the pathBlazers once more.

During the off-season, Walton demanded to be listed, citing unethical and incompetent treatment of his and different players’ injuries by the Blazers’ front workplace. He didn’t get he would like and Sabbatum out the whole 1978–79 NBA season in protest. Walton eventually signed with the point of entry Clippers once he became a free agent in 1979.

Coach Jack Ramsay, in 2010, referred to as Walton the simplest Portland path sport coat, “hands down no doubt,” Ramsay same.

“Walton might do everything, he had the nice temporal arrangement, complete vision of the ground, had excellent fundamentals and was an excellent passer, each in outlet passes and within the 0.5 courts.

He was beloved enjoying basketball, simply beloved it, practices, games … particularly away games. He beloved to win on the opponent’s court. And he had an excellent head, a really dedicated team player.”Of Walton’s injuries, Ramsay else,

“And that was terribly frustrating to each people. To not be able to play was a crushing blow to him. And to Pine Tree State it absolutely was frustrating as a result of I finally had an excellent team and a great player and it was all coming back apart.”

“I’m here to do and create amends for the mistakes and errors of the past,” Walton, same to press in returning to Portland in 2009. “I regret that I wasn’t a far better person. a far better player.

I regret that I got hurt. I regret the circumstances within which I left the Portland path Blazers family. I simply would like I might do tons of things over, however, I can’t. thus I’m here to apologize, to do and create amends, and to do and begin over and create it higher.”

In 5 seasons with Portland, Walton vies in 209 games, averaging a double-double of seventeen.1 points and one3.5 rebounds, with 4.4 assists and a couple of.6 blocks.

Bill Walton Signature

Bill Walton Broadcasting Career

Walton overcame an inarticulate drawback at age twenty-eight with the assistance of Hall of Fame broadcaster Marty Glickman, once a prolonged voice communication between the 2 at an incident.

Said Walton regarding his speech problems and later career, “I’m a verbalizer. I ne’er spoke to anybody. I lived most of my life unaccompanied. however as presently as I got on the court I used to be fine.

However in life, being, therefore, self acutely aware, red hair, big nose, freckles, and goofy, nerdy wanting the face and can’t speak in any respect.

I used to be improbably back and ne’er aforementioned a word. Then, once I was twenty-eight I learned a way to speak. It’s become the greatest accomplishment of my life and everyone else’s biggest nightmare.”

After his retirement as a player, Walton has become an in and contentious basketball color commentator.

Walton worked for CBS (1990), NBC (1990–2002), the l. a. Clippers (1990–2002) and ABC/ESPN (2002–2009). on nineteen years operating in broadcasting, he left ESPN in November 2009, because the results of back issues, that dated back to AN injury he suffered in faculty at UCLA. Following surgery on his back, Walton came back to broadcasting as a part-time commentator for the state capital Kings for 2010–11 and 2011–12.

In Gregorian calendar month, 2012, ESPN and therefore the Pac-12 Network declared that Walton would come back to regular broadcasting as a game analyst for Pac-12 conference basketball coverage.

Walton often works aboard Dave Pasch whereas the line of work Pac-12 games. His comment has been noted for his frequent use of catchphrases and image.

Walton generally was paired with Steve “Snapper” Jones for national NBA games as a result of he and Jones had a point-counterpoint banter throughout games.

Walton’s 2003 TV series Bill Walton’s Long Strange Trip ventilated on ESPN with Walton as subject and star.

While broadcasting a game between the American state Ducks and USC Trojans, Walton talked a couple of speech Dylan gave at MusiCares, and ESPN had ready graphics regarding Dylan’s career highlights.

While broadcasting a Washington–Oregon Jan 2019 game with Dave Pasch, Walton mentioned he had appeared within the show Ghostbusters. Ghostbusters was recorded in 1984 and Pasch questioned Walton regarding his claim throughout the sport on the specifics of his look and character, however, Walton refused to supply additional details. analysis valid Walton’s claim.

Walton has his own satellite radio show, a new Saturday Night (named once the Dead song of the constant name), detection Dog Star Radio’s Jam On and XM Radio’s Grateful Dead channel.

In 2001, Walton received AN award Award for “Best Live Sports tv Broadcast” and in 2018 was the recipient of the CoSIDA Dick Enberg Award.

Bill Walton Bill Walton Net Worth

Bill Walton is an American retired professional basketball player and television sportscaster who has a net worth of $20 million. Bill Walton was born William Theodore Walter III in La Mesa, California in November 1952.

When he was 17 Bill played for the United States basketball team at the 1970 FIBA World Championship. He played his college ball at the University of California, Los Angeles for head coach John Wooden.

Walton helped lead UCLA to two straight seasons of 30-0 records and a won a record 88 games in a row. He was a two time NCAA Champion and both times won the NCAA Final Four Most Outstanding Player award.

He was also a three-time National college player of the year and Consensus first-team All-American. Walton had his #32 jersey retired by UCLA.

He was the #1 pick in the 1974 NBA Draft by the Portland Trail Blazers. He was also drafted by the American Basketball League’s San Diego Conquistadors. Walton’s NBA career was marred by injuries. He played for the Blazers, San Diego/Los Angeles Clippers, and Boston Celtics.

He won two NBA championships, one with the Blazers and another for the Celtics. In 1977 Walton was the NBA Finals MVP and in 1978 he was the NBA Most Valuable Player.

His #32 jersey was retired by the Portland Trail Blazers and he was named to the NBA’s 50th Anniversary Team. In 1993 he was inducted into the Basketball Hall of Fame and the Oregon Sports Hall of Fame.

He overcame a stuttering problem to become a broadcaster. He has worked for NBC, the Clippers, ESPN and ABC, the Sacramento Kings, and the Pac-12. His son Luke won two NBA Championships with the Los Angeles Lakers, making them the first father and son pair to win multiple rings.

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